How to Say You Met Someone Again

x Things Yous Tin can Say Instead Of Ghosting Someone

Published November 16th, 2022 & updated on Dec 7th, 2021

Information technology can be difficult finding the right thing to say to someone after realizing that they might not be "the matter you are looking for." Whether it was a potential romantic relationship, or a friend that no longer aligns with your values, expressing your feelings about the relationship can be kind of awkward. Alright, it can exist suuuuper bad-mannered… which is why ghosting someone can seem like the better option. (psst, it's not).

Frequently, we worry about how nosotros might exist perceived by the other person when nosotros limited our feelings. Are they going to call back I'thou an asshole? Do they know that I'm not trying to injure their feelings? Is in that location a manner to tell them how I feel without making them experience rejected?

These thoughts fester in your mind until you decide to 'save them' from the rejection they'd otherwise feel. But ghosting someone doesn't help them get the closure they demand (or you lot demand, for that affair).

Even though ghosting can eliminate the possibility of an awkward chat, information technology doesn't really help united states of america communicate what our true intentions are . With this in mind, nosotros've come up up with 10 things you lot tin say to the person that y'all don't quite imagine yourself in a human relationship with, romantic or otherwise.

1. "I don't feel this going anywhere romantically, but I would love to stay friends."

This one is for that person y'all've been on a couple dates with, but just don't feel that spark. You might really enjoy their company and their personality, but you merely don't want to pursue things above a friendship level. This approach is a piddling gentler than some of the others we suggest, and information technology leaves the opportunity for a friendship. And we know information technology sounds cliche but honestly, it beats a full ghosting where you say zip at all.

2. "Hey, I'm not in a position in my life where I can be in a relationship right now. I've realized my commitment is to other things at the moment."

This is for those who don't want to explain themselves further. The truth is, you're decorated and you're focused on your priorities, which at the moment may not include a relationship. Fifty-fifty if all you wanted to practise was dip your toes in (thinking that you might test out whether a human relationship could exist a priority), information technology's okay to change your mind. This one is quick, easy and doesn't require a huge caption about every single commitment. You're allowed to prioritize however you lot want.

three. "I'grand going through some personal stuff right now, and I demand time to work through it on my ain."

Mayhap you lot're realizing you've got some shit yous demand to deal with. Mayhap you're just needing some alone time. Or, peradventure this is but a turbulent fourth dimension in your life. This text is perfect for those who are realizing that they might need some time to observe themselves a little more than earlier jumping into a relationship. We think that'due south super cool of y'all! Andddd in that location are a ton of things to do when you're single that volition help you detect some answers!

iv. "I've actually decided to first seeing someone more seriously and then I'm no longer casually dating."

This is a perfect response to that "wanna hangout once again?" text. It's clear and simple. Information technology closes the door for that person to reach out once again and it also indicates that your priorities have changed. Y'all've made it clear that you're no longer available, but information technology's more that. It'southward a mode to say hey look, I care about where I invest my time and try .

five. "I had a great time getting to know you last night but I don't call back our values align. I wish you the best."

This one is for that appointment that really didn't go well. Like information technology went ok, but it wasn't amazing. For whatever reason, you didn't connect. Maybe it was considering they said they like pineapple on pizza, or possibly it was their offensive tattoo. They only weren't for you. And that's ok.

6. "I loved going out with you yesterday, but I have to admit, I didn't actually experience that spark."

Perhaps the appointment was astonishing. Maybe they were bang-up company and y'all had a keen fourth dimension. Or peradventure yous capeesh all the time and effort they put into planning such a thoughtful appointment! Only…you didn't feel that spark that you lot anticipated. They might take seemed like a groovy person, they just weren't for you.

vii. "Hey, I really don't think we have a lot in common and I don't see this progressing into a romantic relationship."

It'southward important to remember that someone's dating profile doesn't tell y'all what they're like in real life. Peradventure you met them and you had completely different views on things. Or possibly their contour said they loved the mountains and yous had a rock climbing adventure in listen while they just wanted a stroll in a wooded area. It happens! Better to exist honest about information technology and movement on!

8. "I'yard actually looking for someone who follows a like lifestyle to me."

Maybe you're the type that would rather curl up with a adept book and a loving cup of tea than go out to the bar, while your date just loves to party every weekend. Or accept you ever dated a marathon runner? If that'southward too ambitious for your Sunday morn, just be straight up about information technology. This text is perfect for realizing that your lifestyles might not be a great fit.

9. "I thought I was ready to date again, but I'm not."

This one is for the people who are starting to date again afterwards being in a relationship. Dating can be hard, particularly coming out of a breakup. Information technology'south more than okay to have time to yourself and realize that you aren't set to get back in the dating game…all the same. Wanna learn how to practice cocky-pity before jumping back in? Totally cool. Focus on yourself. Take your time.

10. "I've been recruited by a secret agency across the world to help build luxury houses for pandas."

Okay, maybe this i won't work also as the others, but it might help y'all with a quick escapé after a bad appointment, or an encounter that did non go well at all. Go out them with a laugh and make a graceful exit.

Dating tin be hard. Being open to new situations and meeting new people takes a tremendous amount of backbone so yous might equally well borrow Gal Gadot's cape. She'due south happily married so she doesn't demand it atm anyways.

In all seriousness, have fun and don't forget to communicate your intentions with other people. Xoxo, DiveThru


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